Enhance Your La Cross Water Quality With Help From Our Canister Carbon Filters

Canister carbon filters improve the quality of your La Crosse home's water by removing impurities, sediment, chlorine, and other contaminants - along with harmful chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. Canister carbon water conditioning systems also allow beneficial minerals to pass through their filtration, resulting in clean water that tastes great.
Solving your water problems is our passion at Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC and we're committed to providing clean and clear drinking water using the most efficient water conditioning systems for La Crosse area homes, businesses, and commercial properties. To request water testing or discuss your options for point-of-use or whole-home water filtration, call the pros at Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC today at 608-781-8088.
How Cartridge Carbon Filters Work
Cartridge carbon filters work using a process called absorption to remove contaminants from your drinking water. As water passes through the filter, the large surface area of activated carbon attracts and traps contaminants within its pores - very similar to the way that iron filings are attracted to a magnet.
Carbon filters remove a wide variety of contaminants, including:
- Chlorine
- Organic chemicals and pesticides
- Trihalomethanes (THMs), a water-treatment by-product that occurs when chlorine reacts with natural organic matter like vegetation and dead leaves
- VOCs from gasoline, solvents, and industrial cleaners
Carbon filters also improve the quality of your water by reducing bad taste and foul odors. They can be added to reverse osmosis drinking systems or used as stand-alone point-of-use filtration for your La Crosse home.
Water Conditioning Done Right Contact Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC Today!
Point Of Use Canister Carbon Filters
Canister carbon filters are considered POU (point-of-use) filters because they provide filtered water as close to the point of consumption as possible, as opposed to whole-home systems. Most drinking water cartridge filters are meant to remove chlorine taste and odor to provide great-tasting water.
The most economical cartridge is usually one that is a canister style that is located near or underneath the kitchen sink and provides filtered water to either the cold side of a faucet or a separate faucet. POU canister carbon filters have a limited capacity and should be replaced when they exceed the number of recommended gallons of usage or based on time restrictions. Various types of cartridges can filter out different types of impurities but are not nearly as powerful or comprehensive as a reverse osmosis system.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, activated charcoal and canister carbon filters can remove as much as 60-80 chemicals from water, reduce the presence of up to 30 additional chemicals, and provide moderate reductions for 22 other contaminants. At Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC, we can help you choose the best canister carbon filters and water conditioning systems to meet your needs and fit your budget - call us today to request services in La Crosse and the surrounding Coulee Region communities.
Frequently Asked Canister Carbon Filter Questions
Canister carbon filters can remove bad taste and reduce odors in your drinking water, but the benefits don't stop there. Cartridge carbon filters are also effective in removing chemicals, particles, and impurities from your drinking water. Canister carbon filters are a cost-friendly point-of-use solution to improve your La Crosse home's overall water quality and deliver great-tasting drinking water.
Installing a canister carbon filter system is a great investment that can not only add value to your home but can greatly improve the quality of your drinking water. Better drinking water means improved health and quality of life for your family. By installing a water conditioning system in your home, you'll also save money, reduce the amount of plastic bottles you purchase, and lessen your environmental impact. To find out if a canister carbon filter system is right for your La Crosse home, call the pros at Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC today at 608-781-8088.
Choosing the Right Water Conditioning System for Your La Crosse Home! Contact Maxwell-White Water Conditioning, LLC Today!